Context-Preserving, Dynamic Word Cloud Visualization

IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications

Weiwei Cui1     Yingcai Wu1     Shixia Liu1     Furu Wei1     Michelle X. Zhou2     Huamin Qu3
1Microsoft Research Asia      1IBM Research - Almaden      3Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

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An overview of our system for generating dynamic word clouds. (a-e) Our method creates five word clouds for five selected time points with high significance values. (f) The top center box presents a significance trend chart whose significance curve is extracted from a collection of documents with different time stamps.


The proposed method uses context-preserving, dynamic word clouds to illustrate content evolution. It generates a sequence of word clouds in which related words are grouped together. This sequence is then coupled with a trend chart that summarizes content changes so that users can better explore large collections of documents.

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@article {YWu2010b,
author = {Weiwei Cui and Yingcai Wu and Shixia Liu and Furu Wei and Michelle X. Zhou and Huamin Qu},
title = {Context-Preserving, Dynamic Word Cloud Visualization ,
journal = {IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications},
year = {2010},
volume = {30},
number = {6},
pages = { 42--53 }